Frequently Asked Questions

Market45 is a platform for discovery. We don’t currently hold inventory, so all purchases must be made through the brand’s individual website.

The shipping options are different for every brand listed on Market45 and you can find out what they are on the product page of their site before you make a purchase. Market45 is not shipping product to you. The brand is shipping product to you, so the options are dependent on their own shipping terms.

Similar to the shipping options, returns & exchanges are individual to each brand. You can view their return policy at checkout.

We do our very best to keep everything updated on Market45, but we don’t always catch an “out of stock” item right away. If the item is marked as “out of stock” on the brand’s site, then that means it’s not available.

If you’re not seeing a discount on your order, it may be because you have not entered the correct discount code or any discount code at all. To get 10% off your order, please enter the code MARKET45 at checkout in the brand’s store that you’re shopping.

We will start adding new brands to Market45 in 2019! We are currently only accepting brands that have launched through the Factory45 accelerator program.

Applications to the Factory45 accelerator program will open again in May 2019! You can get on the waiting list here and be notified as soon as enrollment is open.